ضبط طالب بسوهاج لإدارته مجموعتين عبر "واتس آب" بزعم تسريب أسئلة الثانوية العامة
The security services of the Ministry of Interior were able to arrest a student in Sohag for managing two groups via the “WhatsApp” application. Alleging his ability to leak high school exam questions. The efforts of the Ministry of Interior agencies had revealed the circumstances of what was circulated in two groups on the “WhatsApp” application. During which a person claimed to be able to leak exam questions in exchange for sums of money.
Through examination in coordination with the Public Security Sector and the General Administration of Information Technology, the person in charge of managing the two aforementioned groups was identified and arrested, and it was found that he was a student residing in Sohag and in possession of a mobile phone, which he examined technically. It was found that there were traces and evidence confirming that he committed the incident, and an electronic wallet containing a sum of money. He admitted that he committed the incident and managed the two aforementioned groups with the intention of making a financial profit, and that the financial amount in the electronic wallet balance was from the proceeds of his activity… and legal measures were taken.
للمزيد : تابعنا هنا ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر .
اكتشاف المزيد من رأي الأمة
اشترك للحصول على أحدث التدوينات المرسلة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.