وسائل الاعلام

فلسطين قضيتنا جميعا.. ومصر تقود الجهد الدبلوماسي لمناصرة القضية

القاهرة: رأي الأمة

تداولت وسائل الاعلام اليوم خبر بعنوان: فلسطين قضيتنا جميعا.. ومصر تقود الجهد الدبلوماسي لمناصرة القضية، وتستعرض رأي الأمة مع حضراتكم محتوي الخبر.

The Palestinian Fatah movement is linked to a long history of struggle and political representation of the Palestinian people. This movement embodies the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people towards achieving freedom, justice and establishing their independent state.

Regarding the movement’s vision of the current bloody events and understanding of the movement’s political horizon, the official positions regarding contemporary Palestinian issues and the challenges facing the Palestinian people, and the movement’s efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region, in addition to their vision for the future and ways to achieve justice and lasting peace in the Middle East, Al-Bawaba News met with Dimitri. Diliani, member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement, and here is the text of the dialogue:

Dialogue – Michael Adel

■ We want to know from you the latest developments in the Holy Land?

Dimitri Diliani: Regarding the developments in the Holy Lands, Palestine is now experiencing a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip and war crimes in the West Bank. These crimes in the West Bank, the most prominent of which are illegal colonial settlement, and our people are looking first to stop the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip by various means and to provide humanitarian aid as a step. Essential for starting the reconstruction process in the Gaza Strip, but at the same time he considers the importance of moving forward with the Palestinian issue according to what the Palestinian people see. These are the developments that are taking place and the world looks with complete impotence at what the Israeli occupation state is doing in terms of its continued massacres in the Gaza Strip. It is heading for another invasion of Rafah, where it is expected that there will be an unprecedented bloodshed there.

■ What is the radical solution to what is happening now not in the Holy Land, but in the Middle East?

Diliani: In my opinion, the radical solution lies in ending the occupation. This is the solution to all issues, not only in Palestine, I believe. Rather, it contributes greatly to resolving all issues in the Middle East region, because the issue of Palestine, despite its right, is being exploited in disputes and disputes that have no relevance to the issue of Palestine. It is used by some parties in order to gain fame and popularity at the expense of the Palestinian issue to settle internal scores. It also carries many meanings. When this issue is resolved by ending the occupation, I believe that not only the Palestinian issue itself will end, but there are many groups, many countries that build their expansionist policy. And its policy that is hostile to Arab nationalist and nationalist tendencies, all of them will also be weakened and these problems will be solved. The solution to things as I see them is, of course, by ending the occupation. But how will the occupation end? I believe that from this point we must look at where we start now. The best solution now is to continue. Working to stop the occupation’s massacres, exposing the occupation’s practices, and creating international pressure on the occupation to stop and pay a political price for these massacres.

But what happens the next day? The first matter is the reconstruction of Gaza, the reconstruction file, and the humanitarian aid file, and the second file is the preparation for the presidential and legislative elections. I believe that when the elections are completed, the Palestinian people will have said their word, and the elections that will result will have legitimacy and support. Popular, which allows him to fight the battles in the manner determined by the Palestinian people, and this is the first path to liberation.

■ What about sacred things and the violation of some of them?

Diliani: Regarding the sacred things, we must know that the Zionist thought on which the Zionist occupation state was established is a thought based on a religious myth, meaning that the Israeli occupation state, despite all its claims of secularism, is built on fascist, racist religious foundations and rules that embody themselves in the actions of successive governments and not only This government, and all these governments are based on administrative decisions, judicial decisions, and laws enacted by politicians who embrace the Zionist ideology based on religious thought. Therefore, when religious thought dominates the political situation and political directives, know that all other religions and all other sects, even if there are other sects, are hated. It is simply targeted. Every non-Jew is targeted, let alone the holy sites, which are not only a witness to the presence and religious diversity in Palestine, but they are a cultural and historical witness to the lie of the Zionist narrative. This is one of the main reasons for targeting the holy sites, especially the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which were targeted by the occupation. The Israeli.

■ How do you see what is happening in terms of massacres, violations, and displacement?

Diliani: What is happening in terms of massacres, violations, and displacement is an embodiment of the intellectual base that the Zionist Israeli learns, starting from the tenderness of his nails, through the various years of study, all the way to the army, the workplace, and society in general. These Zionist ideas that strip the Palestinian of his humanity, and consider that they are God’s chosen people. That is, it views the other with superiority and racist superiority, and by its nature it circulates racist principles and concepts that no human mind can accept at this time in time. But this is the truth, a society sick with racism and bloodshed, stripping the Palestinian of his humanity. It is natural that this atmosphere produces massacres, violations, displacement, and everything else. It is brutal and inhumane, because the human being in such societies, in which I do not think that there is another society in the world that carries these cruel values ​​in its racism, bloodshed, and genocide, is that human being is born, raised, and raised to become an adult criminal who does not care about the lives of others, especially when he believes that the other is not a complete human being.

■ What about the recent increase in Zionist movements and their support from some countries?

Diliani: The Zionist movement and Zionist thought is an idea that is not originally Jewish. It is an idea that preceded the First Zionist Congress by more than two hundred and fifty years, and it is rooted in the political thought of many Western countries, especially Britain and the United States of America, and results from this spread that is based on and derived from white supremacist thought. That is, Zionism is an idea created by man, the white racist man, with the aim of getting rid of the Jews in Europe, and the Jews, the majority of whom were non-religious and in fact atheists in many cases, joined it and saw in it a political, economic, social and sometimes security interest, especially after the Holocaust. This spread of this thought It is now beginning to collide with a reality created by social media and a young generation that was not raised on the same racist concepts that the generation of Biden, the Kamalaharas, and Rishi Sunak, who is not white, but is the son of this racist white supremacist political school, and Cameron, Schultz, and others, and thus this class is beginning to collide because of all the statistics that currently exist. It indicates that Zionist thought has begun to erode because it is proceeding in a way that is contradictory or contrary to logic, and also contrary to the human values ​​on which the current generation is raised.

■ How do you see the position of Egypt and Jordan on the issue, and do you think they will succeed in reaching solutions or negotiations?

Diliani: Historically, I believe that the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan have always been the two primary custodians of the Palestinian cause, and of course here we do not forget to mention the important Gulf states such as the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If we look at the Arab reality, we find those four countries, perhaps in addition to one country. Or two from the Gulf are the main, strong and influential countries in the Middle East, and I add here the Kingdom of Morocco and Algeria, but in the Middle East they are the countries that still exist and are strong, so the strength of these countries strengthens the Palestinian cause and deters the Israeli occupation, and if we find and look and research now who is leading the diplomatic war against At the international level, we see that the Arab Republic of Egypt is leading the diplomatic effort in supporting the Palestinian cause, and if we look at the course of events in the field, we find that Egypt, being on the border adjacent to Gaza, is the one that bears the greatest burden to alleviate the burden on our people. It is the one that bears the security and political consequences of its honorable position. It is now taking serious steps, such as joining South Africa and supporting it in the International Criminal Court, and threatening to reduce diplomatic representation… All of these steps are important, because for the Israeli occupation state, relations with Jordan and Egypt in particular are the basis of the diplomatic future and diplomatic relations with the Middle East and the immediate surroundings. To the Israeli occupation state, therefore, Egypt carries a very great importance, and when it waves something like this, it is considered a matter of great value for the occupation, so we see in its big sister, Egypt, and in Jordan as well, that they play a fundamental and very important role, alongside the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, in supporting the Palestinian cause and bearing the burden of the issue in light of the massacres being committed. In the Gaza Strip in an honorable manner and in a way that gives an example and a bright picture of Arab solidarity and the brothers’ standing by our side in this difficult time.

■ What about the numbers of displaced Palestinians?

Diliani: Regarding the numbers of Palestinians displaced from the tragedy of the Palestinian issue since very ancient times, since the Ottoman Turkish rule as an occupation, there were waves of Palestinian immigration, then with the British and with the establishment of the Israeli occupation state, there was the largest immigration, as we are talking about approximately 800 thousand Palestinians at that time, which was The vast majority of our Palestinian people living in the places and lands on which the Israeli occupation state was established, entire villages were abandoned and parts of entire cities were abandoned, the vast majority of which were destroyed. In 1967 there was also another displacement, a displacement and not an emigration in this sense, and now the majority of the Palestinian people are about 8 million. Palestinians living outside the Palestinian territories in the diaspora between the camps of the surrounding countries and the countries of the diaspora, and they have no right to return because of the Israeli racist laws that give foreigners who cannot link their genes to this part of the world, and because one of his ancestors embraced the Jewish religion, and his European origins disable him the right to He comes and settles in our land, while those who still have the pretext of their home and their family home cannot return to the land of Palestine. The majority of the Palestinian people live in the diaspora and diaspora due to displacement and racist policy, which unfortunately is supported by countries of the world that claim to reject racism, claim to reject forced displacement, and claim to reject ethnic cleansing, while the state The Israeli occupation is essentially a state of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and forced displacement.

■ What about the numbers of Christians who were displaced in the last stage in Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip?

Diliani: For Christians, they are an integral part of the Palestinian people, an integral part of this social fabric, an integral part of the history and civilization of this good land, and what applies to every Palestinian applies to the Palestinian Christian without any distinction between the Palestinians. Our issue is a national issue and not a religious issue. A person’s religion does not give him any discrimination, whether positive or negative, in terms of the pain, persecution, and crimes committed against them by the Israeli occupation state. Certainly, there is a higher percentage of Christians who were displaced, especially with the establishment of the Israeli occupation state, and that is because of geography, as we do not, for example, consider the city of Jerusalem in Its western side, the city of Jerusalem. There were larger numbers of Palestinian Christians in West Jerusalem before the establishment of the Israeli occupation state in 1948 than what existed in East Jerusalem. While West Jerusalem was occupied, its people emigrated, Muslims and Christians, but since the percentage of Christians is greater in that part From the city, it happened that the percentage of Christians who were displaced exceeded their percentage in relation to the general total of the Palestinian people, and we are talking that before the establishment of the occupying state, the percentage of Palestinian Christians residing in the land of Palestine was 25%, while there was a large percentage in the diaspora, for example, in South America and European countries. This was before the establishment of the Israeli occupation state and as a result of many migrations at the end of the century before last due to Ottoman policies.

■ What about the file of prisoners held by both parties, and will Hamas gain new gains in pressuring the Israeli occupation government?

Diliani: I believe that Hamas presented what could be presented and it accepted the proposals and the initiative put forth by the Arab Republic of Egypt and approved by the Israeli occupation state on April 27, meaning that the Israeli occupation state agreed to the initiative on April 27 and bet that Hamas would reject it, and after 10 days Hamas agreed. This put the United States of America first, and then the Israeli occupation state second, in a dilemma, as Netanyahu’s plans were revealed not to agree to anything. The equation is very simple, it is the equation of a prisoner exchange, and I believe that the Egyptian card is clear in that. It accepted a Palestinian and rejected an Israeli. I believe that liberating any prisoner, despite The high price that our Palestinian people pay with the martyrdom of more than 35,000 people and the complete destruction of Gaza. I believe that this matter is viewed very positively, and all of our people must strive to pay in their own way in order to achieve or pressure the Israeli occupation state to accept a prisoner exchange deal within the framework of a complete and permanent cessation. For the Israeli war of annihilation in the Gaza Strip, meaning that the prisoner exchange process must be accompanied by a complete cessation of the Israeli war of annihilation and the withdrawal of the occupation army from the Gaza Strip. Otherwise, the hopes and sacrifices of our people will be unappreciated and not properly translated into results.

■ How do you view the American role in resolving this issue and putting pressure on the occupation government?

Diliani: The American role is complicit with the occupation army, and it is very clear from current American policies that the United States of America is nothing but a primary sponsor of the Israeli occupation, so the United States loses any value as a mediator, loses any credibility as any mediator, not only in Palestine but anywhere in the world, basically. The main reason for the continuation of the Israeli occupation and Israeli war crimes is the policies of the United States of America, which are completely and completely biased towards the Israeli occupying state. The reasons for this are reasons that will take a long time to explain. Part of it is cultural, part of it is political, and a large part of it is material.

■ There were attempts by some countries and an initiative for the Fatah movement to meet with Hamas. Is it possible to talk about that?

Diliani: Of course, we look positively at all the meetings held between the movement of President Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah movement, and the Hamas movement, and in any case we congratulate them, as unity of ranks is our goal, and we congratulate such meetings, and we hope that these meetings will be based on initiatives that lead to the establishment of a Palestinian government. The day after the war, this government, in cooperation with the Arab countries, is also rebuilding the Gaza Strip, in addition to identifying and working to prepare for presidential and legislative elections as soon as possible so that the Palestinian people decide to continue their struggle, and where the Palestinian cause is heading at this critical time.

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