وسائل الاعلام

شراكة إستراتيجية وتكامل اقتصادي.. تفاصيل نشاط الرئيس السيسي اليوم في الصين

القاهرة: رأي الأمة

تداولت وسائل الاعلام اليوم خبر بعنوان: شراكة إستراتيجية وتكامل اقتصادي.. تفاصيل نشاط الرئيس السيسي اليوم في الصين، وتستعرض رأي الأمة مع حضراتكم محتوي الخبر.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi visited the Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Tiananmen Square in the Chinese capital, Beijing, where he laid a wreath on the monument, as part of the president’s state visit to China.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Chinese capital, Beijing, as part of the president’s state visit to China.

The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic stated that the Chinese President received the President in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where the official reception ceremony was held, the two national anthems were played and the guard of honor was paraded, followed by in-depth talks between the two presidents, which discussed how to strengthen bilateral relations coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the improvement of relations. between Egypt and China to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership. In this context, a joint statement was issued detailing areas of cooperation and coordination during the next phase, including the announcement of the Year of the “Egyptian-Chinese Partnership,” which will witness many diplomatic, economic, and cultural cooperation activities between the two countries.

The official spokesman explained that the discussions dealt with the two countries’ visions regarding international and regional developments, as the President stressed the necessity of stopping the war in Gaza, stressing the extreme danger of the Israeli military operations in the Palestinian Rafah, on the humanitarian, security and political levels, and the resulting humanitarian tragedies and casualties, the latest of which is the bombing. The deliberate attack on a displacement camp, which resulted in a catastrophic humanitarian catastrophe. In this context, the Chinese President praised Egypt’s pivotal role and its tireless efforts to calm the situation and implement humanitarian aid. The two presidents agreed on the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and rejected the forced displacement of Palestinians outside their lands, stressing that the implementation of the two-state solution is the guarantor. President to restore stability and establish regional peace and security.

The two sides also discussed the situation in the African continent and ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries in a way that supports the continent’s development efforts, as the President was keen to stress the top priority of ensuring Egyptian water security.

The two presidents subsequently witnessed the signing ceremony of a number of cooperation agreements between the two countries, including the joint development plan for the Belt and Road Initiative, enhancing cooperation in the field of technological innovation and communications technology, and a number of other areas of cooperation.
A joint statement was issued between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the People’s Republic of China regarding deepening comprehensive strategic partnership relations

The text of the statement read:

1- In response to the invitation of His Excellency President Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, made a state visit to the People’s Republic of China during the period from May 28 to 31, 2024.

2- The two presidents held official talks about the overall bilateral relations and ways to develop them in various fields, as well as enhancing coordination between the two countries in multilateral frameworks, and they exchanged views on many international and regional issues of common interest.

3- The two presidents praised the remarkable development in the relations of the two countries in all fields, which witnessed a major boom in recent years following the launch of the comprehensive strategic partnership relations between them in 2014. They stressed the importance of investing the tenth anniversary of the launch of the comprehensive strategic partnership to raise and raise the level of bilateral relations to broader horizons through work. To increase and intensify high-level mutual visits between the two governments, legislative bodies and local governments of the two countries, in a way that supports the interests of the two countries and meets the aspirations and ambitions of their friendly peoples, and raises the level of relations between the two countries towards the goal of building a community with a shared future in the new era, and pushes the existing comprehensive strategic partnership relations between the two countries to new levels. New.

4- The two presidents expressed their satisfaction with the fruitful results of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, which contributed to enhancing development and prosperity in the two countries, as China participated in many major economic projects in Egypt, especially in the fields of infrastructure, transportation, railways, shipbuilding, construction, investments, and space science, including This includes participation in the construction of the financial and business district in the New Administrative Capital, the inauguration of the 10th of Ramadan electric train, Chinese investments in the Egyptian-Chinese TEDA industrial zone in the Suez Canal Economic Zone, and the launch of the Egyptian satellite MisrSat-2, as well as strengthening financial cooperation and extending the agreement on swapping Local currencies and Egypt’s success in issuing panda bonds in China, and increasing coordination in international economic forums, including Egypt’s joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and hosting the bank’s annual meeting in 2023, as well as officially joining the New Development Bank in 2023, and joining the BRICS membership. In 2024.

5- On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, Presidents Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Xi Jinping announced the inauguration of the “Year of the Egyptian-Chinese Partnership,” which will witness many diplomatic, economic, commercial, investment, cultural, and tourism activities with the aim of advancing and developing bilateral relations. In all fields.

6- The two presidents appreciated the two countries’ signing of the executive program for the comprehensive strategic partnership for the next five years (2024-2028) in January 2024, which represents a road map for developing bilateral relations and raising them to a higher level based on the tangible achievements achieved over the past years, and the two countries’ agreement to Promoting efforts to localize industry and transfer technology as a priority for Egyptian-Chinese cooperation in the coming years, and hence the importance of working to expand Chinese industrial investments in Egypt, including the field of manufacturing electric cars, electronic devices, production of solar panels, chemical industries, and building materials, in addition to modern agricultural technology and others. And working to achieve greater balance in the volume of trade exchange, including allowing the entry of more high-quality Egyptian products into the Chinese market, facilitating the entry of production inputs from China to manufacture the final product in Egypt, and discussing ways to settle commercial transactions in the local currencies of the two countries, as well as enhancing Chinese tourist flows to Egypt and encouraging direct Chinese investments in the field of establishing and managing hotels, as well as enhancing cooperation in the media, cultural, scientific, artificial intelligence and academic fields.

7- The two presidents directed that the relevant authorities in the two countries hold technical discussions to implement the understandings of the leaders of the two countries on ways to advance and strengthen bilateral relations between them, including working to convene the joint governmental committee as soon as possible.

8- The two sides appreciated each party’s mutual support for the other party’s basic issues, as Egypt and China supported each other to defend common principles and core interests, and stood side by side in the face of multiple global challenges, most notably the coronavirus pandemic and its negative repercussions on developing countries.

9- The two presidents stressed the need for the two countries to commit to firmly supporting vital interests, taking into account each other’s special concerns, and exchanging support for efforts to combat terrorism. The Chinese side stressed its continued support for Egypt’s legitimate right to preserve its national sovereignty and territorial unity and reject external interference in its internal affairs under any pretext. And support its legitimate rights to maintain its security and stability in the face of challenges, as well as its legitimate right to protect its water and food security and development interests. The Egyptian side stressed its continued commitment to the one China principle and that Taiwan is an integral part of China, and supported the Chinese side’s position on issues related to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, support China’s reunification, and reject external interference in China’s internal affairs.

10- The two presidents stressed the importance of achieving integration between Egypt’s Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development with the Belt and Road Initiative and joint work to ensure the safe and smooth progress of relevant cooperation projects between the two countries. In this context, the Egyptian side appreciates the “Global Development Initiative” launched by President Xi Jinping. As one of the global initiatives that contribute to accelerating the achievement of the sustainable development goals in accordance with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, within which Egypt will continue to actively participate in cooperation in all fields, Egypt appreciates the “Global Security Initiative” proposed by the Chinese side, and is ready to enhance communication and research in cooperation with the Chinese side. China on ways to maintain and enhance global peace and security. Egypt also appreciates the “Global Civilization Initiative,” especially since Egypt shares with China the same principles based on respect for human cultures and civilizations on the basis of equality, and that Egypt and China are two ancient civilizations rooted in the depths of history, and have made contributions. Significant in human history, and in this regard, Egypt supports the Chinese proposal to establish an international day for dialogue among civilizations in June of each year. The Chinese side also valued the “Decent Life” initiative as one of the important development initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and raising the standard of living of citizens in the Egyptian countryside, and stressed its support for this initiative and all Egyptian development efforts.

11- The two presidents appreciated the fruitful cooperation between Egypt and China within the framework of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum, and welcomed the outcomes of the first Arab-Chinese summit in Riyadh, and the importance of joint work in order to implement its outcomes, including the eight joint actions for practical cooperation between China and the Arab countries proposed by President Xi Jinping. The Chinese side also welcomed Egypt’s request to host an Arab-Chinese summit, and in this context, the Egyptian side expressed its aspiration for the success of holding the tenth ministerial meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum.

12- The two presidents also appreciated the cooperation and joint coordination between them within the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, and expressed the need to continue implementing the outcomes of the eighth session of the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, especially the nine programs announced by President Xi Jinping, and looking forward to the success of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit. Coming in September 2024.

13- The two presidents agreed on the importance of adhering to the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter, rejecting double standards and unilateral practices, and the importance of working to reform international institutions to be more fair and representative of developing countries and more effective in responding to the challenges facing the world. They also stressed the need for concerted efforts of the international community to work to address the hot and fundamental issues that threaten the security and stability of the world, achieve economic recovery, address issues of food security, water scarcity, climate change and combat desertification, and the need for all countries to adhere to their responsibilities in this regard. They also stressed that Egypt and China will continue to work together to confront these international challenges, enhance cooperation and joint coordination between them in regional and international forums, including the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and work to enhance the role of emerging markets and developing countries in the international system.

14- His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency President Xi Jinping for the warm reception and generous hospitality and invited His Excellency to visit Egypt. His Excellency President Xi Jinping accepted the invitation and expressed his keenness to visit Egypt at the earliest opportunity that suits both sides.

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met in the Chinese capital, Beijing, with Zhao Lijie, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China.

The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic stated that the meeting witnessed confirmation of the great momentum witnessed by Egyptian-Chinese relations as a whole, which was reflected in joint understandings that crystallized in the form of important cooperation projects and programs between the two countries. The two sides also valued the distinguished relations between the parliaments of the two countries, which was reflected in the formation of the friendship group. Egyptian-Chinese parliamentarian.

The official spokesman added that the meeting discussed ways to enhance cooperation at various political and economic levels, in a way that helps exchange development experiences between the two friendly peoples. In this context, the efforts made by Chinese companies in supporting national projects in Egypt were appreciated, and the importance of strengthening these efforts was emphasized. , especially in the areas of technology, capacity building, communications, infrastructure and energy sectors.

On his part; Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China affirmed his country’s pride in its historical relations with Egypt, stressing China’s keenness to consolidate cooperation in accordance with the fact that the two countries are among the oldest and most ancient civilizations in the world, and appreciating Egypt’s pivotal role internationally and regionally, especially in advancing efforts to establish peace and stability in the East. Middle East, in addition to its steady progress in achieving national development.

مصدر المعلومات والصور: البوابة https://www.albawabhnews.com/5013148



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