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الموافقة على الموازنة الأبرز.. حصاد جلسات مجلس النواب في أسبوع

الموافقة على الموازنة الأبرز.. حصاد جلسات مجلس النواب في أسبوع

القاهرة: رأي الأمة

تداولت وسائل الاعلام اليوم خبر بعنوان: الموافقة على الموازنة الأبرز.. حصاد جلسات مجلس النواب في أسبوع، وتستعرض رأي الأمة مع حضراتكم محتوي الخبر.

During the past week, the House of Representatives, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the Council, approved a draft law linking the state’s general budget, draft laws linking the budgets of public economic bodies, numbering (59) projects, and a draft law linking the budget of the National Authority for Military Production for the fiscal year 2024-2025. And a draft law approving the economic and social development plan for the fiscal year 2024-2025 after extensive and extensive discussions between representatives and relevant ministers.

The Speaker of the Council confirmed that the discussions reflected a democratic scene for the new republic and a distinguished interaction of the government with the MPs’ comments on the budget. The Council also approved (5) draft laws submitted by the government authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with companies to search for and exploit oil, gas and crude oil in A framework for attracting new investments in the fields of research and exploration for petroleum materials in support of the national economy.

The President of the Council extended his thanks and appreciation to the resigned government, wishing success to Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, who is in charge of forming the new government, in selecting its new members who have the ability to achieve the hopes and aspirations of the Egyptian people and the goals of the Egyptian state. He also congratulated all Islamic peoples and political leadership on the occasion of the approaching Eid Al-Adha.

Sunday session 6/2/2024

The House of Representatives, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the Council, discussed the general report of the Plan and Budget Committee regarding the draft economic and social development plan for the fiscal year 2024-2025, the draft general state budget, and the draft budgets of public economic bodies and the National Military Production Authority for the fiscal year 2024-2025.

Counselor Dr. Speaker of the House of Representatives announced the rules that will be followed during the discussion of the general budget report in order to preserve the principle of equal opportunities among representatives.

The Chairman of the Plan and Budget Committee gave a brief presentation of the most important aspects of what was stated in the committee’s report and the decisions it took in light of the recommendations received from the specific committees related to the projects of the entities included in the general budget, which fall within its jurisdiction, the most prominent of which are: adopting economic policies that ensure the stability of the general level of prices. And reconsidering the system of support, grants and social benefits, and taking measures to monitor the implementation of projects, especially those financed with loans and grants, in addition to regulating and limiting external borrowing, and the necessity of taking the necessary measures to govern the system of maximum income for state-wage workers. The Council called for reducing the use of assistants and assistants to ministers and advisors. And experts in the entities included in the state’s general budget, to be within the narrowest limits in light of the increasing allocations estimated for them.

The session witnessed extensive and extensive discussions, during which the representatives expressed their full confidence in the political leadership and the awareness of the Egyptian people, and praised the government’s response to the recommendations previously issued by the House of Representatives, demanding the necessity of taking the necessary measures to collect the state’s dues from others, in order to ensure the continuation of construction and development in order to establish the foundations of the republic. The representatives welcomed the increase in allocations for the health and education sectors in the new budget, calling for the expansion of the comprehensive health insurance system and increasing interest in scientific research. The representatives stressed that the public debt file and the total deficit are among the most important files facing the state’s general budget, and they called for the necessity of working to reduce the public debt. Borrowing from abroad, and rationalizing government spending. They also called for searching for new sources of funding to fill the financing gap in the state’s general budget, other than the approved appropriations, provided that they do not conflict with the regulating legislation and so that the citizen is not burdened with new burdens. The representatives also called for the application of the minimum and maximum wages to all government sectors. Taking into account the fair distribution of public and private investments between governorates, especially in Upper Egypt, they stressed the need to support damaged tourist facilities and open new tourist markets.

In his comment on what the MPs raised, Dr. Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance, praised the consensus and coordination between the government and the MPs regarding a number of important budget recommendations, including increasing treatment at state expense and supporting the education sector. He stressed the government’s keenness to control the total deficit of the state’s general budget, noting He pointed out that the Egyptian economy has witnessed significant development since 2016, pointing out that had it not been for the economic crises and regional events, the situation would have been better. He explained that Egypt is among 55 countries in the world that aim to achieve a primary surplus of 3.5%. He added that the crisis in the cost of financing, whether from inside or outside Egypt. It affects the total deficit due to interest rates.

In her speech, Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning, confirmed that the committee formed to examine the situation of public economic bodies will finish its work within 3 weeks, and its report will be presented to the House of Representatives, noting that the state, despite the current crises and challenges, continues to implement investments and various projects, as the implementation rate in the project has reached “Decent Life” 85% and confirmed that 44% of the state’s public investments are directed to Upper Egypt, taking into account the economic gaps and quality of services between the governorates, and 2 billion pounds have been allocated to support an efficient justice system.

Following the discussions, Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, delivered a speech in which he thanked and appreciated the government represented by the ministers (Parliamentary Councils, Finance, Planning and Economic Development) for their distinguished interaction with the representatives’ observations on the draft state general budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025, emphasizing the House of Representatives’ appreciation. To the government headed by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, and to all state institutions for their tangible efforts to achieve comprehensive development in light of the challenges facing the country internally and externally, pointing out that the discussions on the general budget were rich and reflect a democratic landscape for the new republic, announcing the completion of the discussion of the draft state general budget in the next session.

The House of Representatives approved (5) draft laws authorizing the Minister of Petroleum to search and explore for oil, gas and crude oil and exploit them in some areas within the Arab Republic of Egypt, which are:

1. A draft law authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation, Apache Khaleda Corporation LLC, and Tharwa Petroleum Company to amend the commitment agreement issued by Law No. 148 of 2004 amended by Law No. 144 of 2009 by Law No. 122 of 2014 to search for and exploit oil. In the Siwa region of the Western Desert (CA).

2. A draft law authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and IB ArtTrans Oil Corporation to amend the concession agreement issued by Law No. 155 of 1963 amended by Law No. 172 of 2005 to search for and exploit oil in the Adma/Alamein area in the Western Desert (C). .with).

3. A draft law authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and HPS International Egypt Limited to amend the commitment agreement issued by Law No. 213 of 2014 to search for and exploit oil in the southwestern El Alamein region in the Western Desert (G.E.) .

4. A draft law authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and North Petroleum International Company S.A. any. To amend the commitment agreement issued by Law No. 9 of 2007 to search for and exploit oil in the East Ghazalat region in Western Sahara (A.S.C).

5. A draft law authorizing the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company and Dana Gas Egypt Limited to search for gas and crude oil and exploit them in the New Manzala area in the Nile Delta (G.E.).

During the discussions, the representatives praised the efforts of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to expand exploration because of its direct impact on attracting new investments in the search for oil and gas, reducing the challenges witnessed by the global oil and gas markets, and in order to advance the economy, rely on local production, and reduce imports, which reflects the state’s awareness of the importance of Extracting petroleum products from its lands and supporting Egypt in being a regional center for energy trading, which contributes to raising Egypt’s position as one of the most important energy source countries.

Monday session 6/3/2024

The Council, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, continued to discuss the general report of the Plan and Budget Committee regarding the draft economic and social development plan for the fiscal year 2024-2025, the draft general state budget, and the draft budgets of public economic bodies and the National Military Production Authority for the fiscal year 2024-2025. During the discussions, the representatives appreciated The new budget project, as the largest in the history of the Egyptian state, was more responsive and aware of the economic shocks that affected the budget over the past 4 years, by establishing the principle and concept of public finance. It was also characterized by the idea of ​​capping the public debt and public investments to attract foreign and local investments. The representatives confirmed that the budget responded. To the constitutional percentages specified in the sectors of education, health and scientific research, they called for activating the rationalization of government spending, and increasing the allocations of the Tourism Promotion Authority so that it can play its role in promotional campaigns for tourist attractions in Egypt. The representatives demanded the necessity of developing an urgent plan to confront the rise in prices by increasing salaries and pensions, as well as Do not raise the prices of subsidized goods to ease the burdens on low-income citizens. They stressed the need to establish new mechanisms and controls to attract investors in heavy industries that carry high added value.

In his response to the representatives’ remarks, Dr. Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance, thanked the members of the House of Representatives for the meaningful discussions on the draft state budget for the new fiscal year 2024-2025, and stressed the government’s commitment to all recommendations issued by the Council during the implementation of the budget, declaring that the government is committed to reducing the burdens on the citizen. And dealing with the inflationary wave.

The House of Representatives “finally” approved a draft law linking the state’s general budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025. The Council also approved draft laws linking the budgets of the (59) public economic bodies, and the budget of the National Military Production Authority, and the Council approved a draft law approving the development plan. Economic, social, and general lists and visas attached to it for the fiscal year 2024-2025, with the general report of the Plan and Budget Committee and members’ discussions being referred to the government to take the necessary action regarding the recommendations contained therein.

The House of Representatives approved the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt’s Resolution No. 34 of 2024 approving “the credit facility agreement between the governments of Egypt and Spain to supply 7 luxury sleeper trains from Talgo Company, at a value of 200 million euros.”

During the plenary session, Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, delivered a speech “regarding” the current government submitting its resignation to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, in which he offered sincere thanks and appreciation to the resigned government for its efforts in light of a period that witnessed many events, changes, and challenges at the internal levels. And the Foreign Ministry, which had a great impact in demonstrating the capabilities and capabilities of this government, and it was the best example of cooperation with the Egyptian Parliament. The Speaker of the Council expressed his wishes of success to Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, who is in charge of forming the new government, in choosing its new members who have the ability to realize the hopes and aspirations of the people. Egypt and the goals of the Egyptian state.

Before adjourning the session, Counselor Dr. Hanafi Gebali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, extended, on his behalf and on behalf of the members of the Council, sincere congratulations to all Islamic peoples and the political leadership headed by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, on the occasion of the approaching Eid Al-Adha.

Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, adjourned the plenary session, with the Council reconvening at a date to be determined later.

مصدر المعلومات والصور: الاسبوع



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