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مصر تستغل مواردها من رياح وشمس وهيدروجين.. والحكومة تقدم تسهيلات لجذب استثمارات الطاقة المتجددة

مصر تستغل مواردها من رياح وشمس وهيدروجين.. والحكومة تقدم تسهيلات لجذب استثمارات الطاقة المتجددة

القاهرة: رأي الأمة

تداولت وسائل الاعلام اليوم خبر بعنوان: مصر تستغل مواردها من رياح وشمس وهيدروجين.. والحكومة تقدم تسهيلات لجذب استثمارات الطاقة المتجددة، وتستعرض رأي الأمة مع حضراتكم محتوي الخبر.

Egypt enjoys comparative advantages in terms of available land that is suitable for new and renewable energy projects, such as “wind, sun, and hydrogen,” which are considered necessary to produce a huge amount of electricity from renewable sources. Egypt’s geographical location also allows it to export green energy to Europe, especially since the country is looking to further enhance and raise efficiency. Its national network, as Egypt has an ambitious program to advance the electricity sector in various fields, foremost among which is the optimal use of new and renewable energy resources and encouraging investment in this field in a way that contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and continuing to reduce carbon emissions in line with Egypt’s energy strategy to obtain Reach 42 percent of our energy mix from renewables by 2030 with the completion of the National Climate Strategy 2050 to address the challenges of climate change and achieve sustainable economic growth.

Private sector investments

While the Egyptian government has made way for the private sector to pump more investments into this vital sector by providing many incentives to investors, most notably the preferential tariff, where electricity produced from wind energy projects is purchased by the government at a price higher than the price of electricity produced from fossil fuels and tax exemptions. Renewable energy projects receive tax exemptions, as the value-added tax rate for these projects is 5% instead of 14%. The government also provides guarantees for the purchase of electricity produced from renewable energy projects, which reduces risks for investors.


Gulf of Suez wind station
During an inspection tour of the Gulf of Suez Wind Station on the Red Sea coast, Al Bawaba News conducted a distinguished geographical location that makes it one of the best countries in the world for wind energy projects. According to the Wind Atlas in Egypt, the country enjoys abundant wind resources, especially in the Gulf of Suez region, which is one of the best countries in the world for wind energy projects. It is one of the best locations in the world for using wind energy due to the high and constant wind speeds that reach between 8 and 10 meters per second on average at an altitude of 100 meters, in addition to promising areas east and west of the Nile in Beni Suef, Minya and Kharga Oasis that provide wind speeds ranging between 5 and 8 Meters per second, making it suitable for generating electricity from wind. Work on the Gulf of Suez Wind Station began in May 2021 and ended in December 2023. Work was completed over a period of one million and 700 thousand hours.
The Gulf of Suez wind station project, with a capacity of 252 megawatts, with investments amounting to 250 million euros, is considered a model of fruitful cooperation between the Egyptian government and international financing institutions, especially in the field of new and renewable energy, by providing concessional financing for green projects.
The project adds a capacity of 252 megawatts to the renewable energy capabilities of the national electricity grid, which will contribute to the production of electrical energy estimated at about 1,200 gigawatt hours annually and save the consumption of more than 200 thousand tons of fossil fuels annually, thus reducing about half a million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, which is It confirms the Egyptian state’s keenness to adhere to the recommendations of the climate conference to confront climate change and preserve the environment. The intensity of the winds at the Gabal El-Zeit station in the Gulf of Suez and the operating system inside the wind turbines at the station, the capacity of each turbine reaches 3.5 megawatts, with a total of 70 turbines.

Updating the energy and wind farm strategy

Dr. Mohamed Shaker, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, confirmed that the energy strategy is currently being updated until 2040 in light of global developments and new variables that include lower costs of modern technologies and the tremendous development in energy storage technology. The option of generating electricity from coal has been excluded and these planned capacities have been replaced with others from coal. Renewable energy in addition to the use of green hydrogen.
It is expected that by 2040, more than 100,000 job opportunities will be created, a high percentage of which will be for highly skilled people, and with appropriate training, many of these jobs will be received by the local workforce.
Shaker pointed out the signing of 4 memorandums of understanding with local and international companies in the field of wind energy projects to enter the sites and conduct the required measurements and studies in order to add 28 gigawatts of wind energy based on a competitive price of 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour to purchase a kilowatt hour.
Egypt is rich in natural resources of wind and solar energy. Egypt has the ability to generate approximately 350 gigawatts of wind and 650 gigawatts of solar energy. So far, more than 40 thousand square kilometers have been allocated to implement renewable energy projects to generate up to 150 gigawatts of solar energy. And 120 gigawatts of wind farms.
Renewable energy in Egypt has the ability to attract foreign direct investments, and that Egyptian national entities play a vital role in creating a supportive environment for investment with low risks and high interaction with financing institutions and development partners.

Reliance on renewable energy

Dr. Muhammad Al-Khayyat, head of the New and Renewable Energy Authority, confirmed that there is a reference plan that aims to rely on renewable energies at a rate of 50% by 2040 of the total capacity of the national electricity grid, with a total capacity of up to 142 thousand megawatts. With regard to the so-called green plan, the state aims to rely on renewable energies. By 57% by 2040, with a capacity of 159 thousand megawatts
The Egyptian state, represented by the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, allocates approximately $30 billion to integrate the capabilities expected to be added during the coming years from new and renewable energy projects with a capacity of 126 thousand megawatts on the national electricity grid within the framework of the state’s plan to expand the diversification of energy sources and reduce the percentage of dependence on gas. Natural electricity production.
The Ministry of Electricity is keen to open the way for the private sector to expand investments in Egypt in the field of new and renewable energy and green hydrogen production, revealing that the directives of the political leadership are to provide all means of support to local and foreign investors to encourage them to invest in Egypt in addition to providing opportunities for them to establish larger stations without Competition from the government side and at the same time reducing the financial burden on the state.



Migratory birds
The head of the New and Renewable Energy Authority stressed that Egypt respects international environmental agreements, including protecting migratory birds, and completing their life cycle without exposing them to any harm.
There are preparations being made by the Authority to protect these birds to avoid their collision with the wind turbines located in the stations that produce electricity from wind, through a specialized advisory team under the supervision of the Environmental Affairs Agency and the National Project for the Conservation of Migratory Birds, to follow up on the flocks of birds during the spring and fall seasons.
Flocks of migratory birds are monitored approximately 12 kilometers before the borders of the wind stations, and the route is determined with precision until the turbines that will be stopped are determined, which vary according to the route and their numbers vary to avoid birds colliding with the turbines. The stopping period varies according to the size of the bird flocks, which usually does not exceed A few minutes.
The station contains a system for monitoring migratory birds through radar, so that the turbines are stopped when they pass and restarted after they pass. This is a system used for the first time in the world and is considered the most modern, which contributed to the preservation of the migratory birds that passed through the Gulf of Suez region last week and did not occur. No accidents with birds, which shows Egypt’s full commitment to environmental preservation standards.
The project does not neglect migratory birds that cross the wider project area along the Red Sea coast in the period from August to November and from February to May, and through the so-called closure-on-demand methodology, where bird watchers monitor the vicinity of the wind farm using telescopes and binoculars, and while observing the flocks of birds, they give orders. For wind power plant operators to shut down the wind turbines in question in order to protect birds from colliding with the rotating wind turbine blades

“On the sidelines of the opening of the Gulf of Suez station with a capacity of 252 megawatts.”



World Ambassadors: The strong winds in the Gulf of Suez represent safety for us to provide green energy
The Egyptian state always looks successfully at places suitable for investment in renewable energies, but if its eye falls on the areas of the Gulf of Suez and the Galala Road, there is no better place than this place for investment in the fields of renewable energy. These phrases were agreed upon by the ambassadors of France, Denmark and Germany and the head of the European Union delegation in Egypt during The station was opened in the presence of the Minister of Electricity
Egypt has the potential to be a source of green energy to confront climate change and its ability to absorb a number of new and renewable energy plants that will become a safe source for providing energy to Europe. This is what made the European Union in Egypt allocate billions of euros to pump them, whether as investments or grants.
Christine Berger, Head of the European Union Mission in Egypt, confirmed that Egypt possesses the sun, wind, land, and successful political will. There is no other counterpart that has these integrated elements, as Egypt currently plays an important and supportive role in ensuring the provision of clean green energy to Europe and enjoys the elements that make it a global energy center.
Eric Chevalier, the French ambassador to Cairo, confirmed that his country continues to support Egypt to complete its plan to expand in the field of new and renewable energy and the 2030 energy strategy. He added that he was surprised when he found strong winds during his visit to the site of the Jebel Zeit Wind Station, noting that experts assured him that these strong winds were what made Egypt is attractive for investment in the field of new and renewable energy.
The Danish ambassador to Cairo said that her country not only loves ideas, but also prefers and supports trade exchanges that support investments, and that the intensity of the winds in the Gulf of Suez makes them appreciate the importance of new and renewable energy projects in Egypt, which represent a source of safety for them to obtain clean energy in light of amazing climate changes.
Frank Hartmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, praised that his country is working with Egypt to start producing green hydrogen and that a quarter of a billion euros have been allocated to accelerate the transition to green energy and respect for the environment, stressing that Egypt’s 2030 energy strategy is successful and we must stand by it and support it.

Ahmed Hazim: Egypt targets $150 billion in green energy revenues within 20 years
While Dr. Ahmed Hazim, a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, pointed out that Egypt has placed the issue of climate change at the forefront of its efforts due to its location in the heart of the regions of the world most affected by climate change.
He added: From here we can look at the state’s projects in the “sustainability and green economy” sectors, which are wind energy, solar energy, water desalination, and green hydrogen. These sectors are considered very important for the sustainability of any economy due to its ability to compete and achieve direct investments in those sectors amounting to $150 billion within twenty years. Coming . .
He explained: Our current manufacturing capabilities range between 10 and 30% of local manufacturing, and this number is considered small, and currently we are trying to provide solutions for local industries to reach 60%. In light of the successes that Egypt is achieving now, we are striving for local manufacturing to have the largest percentage in the work. For example, Whoever builds a green hydrogen system while he is private can take the components of the local market or parts of the local market system. Currently, we can provide small parts from 10 to 30%, but with legislative reforms, incentives, and some coordination between different government agencies, we can encourage the local manufacturing process in order to benefit from the markets and currently. These systems in Egypt will be installed in different regions, and water desalination will mainly be on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, and Sinai. The manufacturing process may take place in the Suez Canal region, for example, the economic zone and green hydrogen energy investments, the majority of which are within the Suez Canal economic zone, so it is natural that manufacturing occurs. be close

While the professor of the College of Engineering praised renewable energy projects from wind due to their ability to attract large investments and add 10 gigawatts over the next ten years.
He concluded by saying: Egypt efficiently manufactures wind towers and some of the inputs from that industry, and now the state is moving to manufacture blades and motors to create energy. This is a large cost, more than 25% of the cost of the system, and it must be manufactured locally because the countries of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Morocco have good experiences in creating local manufacturing by encouraging the leading countries in The industry was transferred to Egypt due to the weight of Egyptian experience, the provision of hard currency and export.



















مصدر المعلومات والصور: البوابة



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