
رقمنة 78 موقعا أثريا ومتحفا بمنظومة الحجز الإلكترونى للتذاكر

القاهرة: «رأي الأمة»

The activities of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities varied during the week from June 8 to 14, 2024, between developing archaeological sites and museums, and a meeting to determine the situation of tourists who booked their trips to Egypt with the German travel and tourism group FTI, which recently declared bankruptcy, and who are currently present at Egyptian tourist destinations.

On behalf of the Prime Minister…the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities participates in the celebration of the National Day of the Russian Federation

On behalf of the Prime Minister, the Minister participated in the celebration held by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cairo on the occasion of its National Day. The Minister also met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, where ways of cooperation were discussed to increase the volume of tourist traffic coming to Egypt from Russia.

During the meeting, the Minister was keen to review the most prominent developments in the tourism industry in Egypt, and pointed to the joint promotional campaigns being implemented in cooperation with professional partners, including with Russian tour operators, to promote Egypt more in the Russian market.

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities holds an expanded meeting to discuss mechanisms for developing the Ministry’s technological infrastructure at archaeological sites and museums

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities held an expanded meeting to discuss mechanisms to enhance the development of the Ministry’s technological infrastructure, especially in archaeological sites and museums in Egypt, in light of the implementation of the Ministry’s strategy for digital transformation, with the aim of improving the tourism experience in Egypt, especially in archaeological sites and museums.

The number of archaeological sites and museums digitized within the electronic ticket reservation system reached 78 archaeological sites and museums, and developments in the operation of self-service machines to purchase tickets using bank cards of all types were noted, in addition to purchasing through ticket sales outlets located at the museum’s entry gates, as well as purchasing through the official website. For the Ministry egymonuments.com.

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and the Ambassadors of Germany and Austria discuss the position of tourists contracted with FTI at Egyptian destinations

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities met with the ambassadors of Germany and Austria in Cairo, to determine the status of the tourists who booked their trips to Egypt with the German travel and tourism group FTI, which recently declared bankruptcy, and who are currently present at Egyptian tourist destinations, and to ensure that they receive the services they were promised in accordance with the contracts concluded, and the position of the establishments’ dues. Egyptian hotel and tourism companies contracting with the group.

The Minister also called on the two ambassadors to expedite the completion of the necessary procedures for the German Travel Insurance Fund to pay all dues to hotel establishments and Egyptian tourism companies that have tourists affiliated with FTI’s tourism programs.

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities holds a meeting to discuss the position of antiquities projects during the current fiscal year and the plan for next year

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities held a meeting to determine the executive position of the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ project plan for the restoration and maintenance of antiquities and the development of archaeological sites and museums during the current fiscal year, and to discuss the projects’ work plan for the next fiscal year, in order to raise the efficiency of services and improve the tourist experience there.

The Minister also directed the necessity of developing an action plan to train the Council’s employees to raise their competence and scientific and practical capabilities and provide them with experience to advance to leadership positions.

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities met with the French Ambassador in Cairo to discuss ways to enhance tourism and archaeological cooperation

The Minister of Tourism and Antiquities received the French Ambassador to Cairo and his accompanying delegation, to discuss enhancing tourism and archaeological cooperation and ways to encourage more tourist traffic from France to Egypt. The Minister reviewed the indicators of tourist traffic coming from France to Egypt, and talked about the tourism and archaeological components of Greater Cairo’s new cultural product.

The possibility of organizing workshops between the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion, French tour operators and Egyptian tourism companies was also discussed. As well as discussing joint efforts between the two countries in the field of archaeological work and reviewing the restoration work and archaeological excavations carried out by French archaeological missions operating in Egypt.

Participation of the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs in a discussion session on health tourism in Egypt during the African Medical Conference and Exhibition

The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs participated as a speaker in the discussion session “Unifying efforts: integration between concerned parties to create an effective model for health tourism in Egypt” within the activities of the third edition of the African Medical Conference and Exhibition “Africa Health ExCon”, organized by the Egyptian Authority for Unified Purchasing, Medical Supplies and Supply Management. Medical technology.

During the session, the Deputy Minister referred to the ongoing and fruitful cooperation between the Ministry and all concerned parties in the country to advance the health tourism file. She also pointed to the distinct natural ingredients that Egyptian tourist cities have for the health tourism product.

Participation of the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs in the meeting of the Senate Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Information Committee to discuss the “Umrah Plus” product.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs participated in the meeting of the Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Information Committee of the Senate, to discuss the activation of the tourism product “Umrah Plus”, where she indicated that this product aims to promote Egypt as a tourist destination that pilgrims from different countries of the world can visit before or after their Umrah trip. .

The idea and importance of the “Umrah Plus” product and its role in promoting spiritual tourism in Egypt, which contributes to increasing the number of tourists coming to Egypt, were also pointed out.

A high-level delegation from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea visits the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization received a high-level delegation that included a number of ministers of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea on the sidelines of their current visit to Egypt, where the CEO of the Museum Authority presented an overview of the museum’s unique location, history, and cultural and societal role. He also presented them with a souvenir from the museum.

The visit included a tour of the central exhibition hall, the royal mummies and Egyptian textiles, during which they learned about the museum’s unique archaeological collections that tell the history of ancient Egyptian civilization throughout the ages.

A music concert on the occasion of the three-year anniversary of the opening of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization held a concert entitled “Memory of Cinema,” in cooperation with RMC, to celebrate the third anniversary of the museum’s opening. The ceremony included a singing evening that presented a distinguished collection of the most beautiful songs and music from Egyptian cinematic films.

This comes within the framework of a group of events organized by the museum to celebrate this occasion, and within the framework of its efforts to revive the artistic and lyrical heritage, preserve the Egyptian cultural heritage, and its role in blending the Egyptian soft powers of art in one of the most beautiful archaeological and historical areas in Egypt.

Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship between Egypt and Switzerland in the Giza Pyramids area

Under the patronage of the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, represented by the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion, the Swiss Embassy in Egypt, in front of the Giza Pyramids, organized a celebration marking the 90th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship between the two countries. A 900-square-meter mural, created by the artist Saybi, was announced, symbolizing friendship. Between the Egyptian and Swiss peoples.

This celebration is one of the manifestations of cooperation between Egypt and Switzerland in all fields, especially in the field of tourism, where Swiss tourists are welcomed to Egypt to enjoy the marvels of ancient Egyptian civilization, the wonderful beautiful tourist resorts, and delve into the rich cultural and civilizational heritage of Cairo.

Antiquities Museums highlight a distinguished collection of archival images on the occasion of World Archives Day

As part of the monthly tradition of Egyptian antiquities museums, the pieces for the month of June were chosen through a public referendum through the museums’ pages on the social networking sites Facebook, which comes within the framework of the role of museums as cultural, civilizational and educational institutions that work to raise tourism and archaeological awareness among all segments of society.

The public chose a group of archival images that express the most important occasions for each museum, coinciding with International Archives Day, which falls on June 9 of each year. A distinguished group of archival images preserved in museums was also highlighted and their role in preserving and protecting Egyptian civilization was highlighted. ancient.

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities continues to monitor the arrival of the last land tourist pilgrimage trips to the Holy Saudi Lands

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities continued to monitor the arrival of the last land tourist Hajj flights, on June 8, to Mecca and Medina in the Holy Saudi Lands, where 148 flights carrying 6,000 land level pilgrims were operated this season, with the last flights for tourist pilgrims starting in June 12th.

The Ministry’s committees, located in the Egyptian port of Nuweiba, the Jordanian port of Aqaba, and the Halat Ammar land port on the Jordanian-Saudi border, received pilgrims for land tourist Hajj trips upon their arrival, took all necessary measures, and ensured their accommodation in their places of residence in Mecca and Medina.

The arrival of the last tourist Hajj flights to Mecca in the Holy Saudi Lands

The Ministry continued to monitor the arrival of the last tourist Hajj flights to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which this season amounted to 274 flights carrying 18,832 economic and five-star tourism pilgrims.

The Ministry’s committees, present in Mecca and Medina, received the pilgrims from the last Hajj tourist flights, and ensured that they were accommodated in their places of residence.

Intensive efforts by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities to provide all facilities, services and care for tourism pilgrims

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is intensifying its efforts to provide all the necessary facilities and distinguished services and comprehensive care for tourism pilgrims to ensure a comfortable and smooth Hajj experience. Specialized field teams have also been formed to work around the clock in pilgrims’ places, to ensure that all their needs are met and their inquiries are answered, in addition to providing health clinics for pilgrims. tourism.

This came in light of the directives of the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and within the framework of the Ministry’s keenness to enhance the quality of services provided to tourism pilgrims and ensure that the best services are provided to them.

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities organizes awareness and religious seminars for tourism pilgrims in coordination with the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments to introduce them to the rituals.

The delegation committees of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities present in Mecca visited the headquarters of the tourism pilgrims to check on them before they escalated to Mina and Arafat to perform the Hajj rituals. The Ministry also brought in a number of imams and preachers from the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments, in coordination with the latter, to accompany the tourist Hajj delegation, to hold awareness and religious seminars to introduce tourism pilgrims to the rituals and respond to their religious inquiries.

The Ministry also ensured that tourism companies adhered to the controls governing the Hajj tourist season, ensured the implementation of the programs agreed upon with tourism pilgrims, ensured the provision of comfort for pilgrims, met their requests, and worked to care for them until they returned safely to the homeland after completing the rituals.

The conclusion of the second season of the “Egyptian Tablet” initiative at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization witnessed the closing ceremony of the second season of the “Egyptian Tablet” initiative, which was launched on February 19, 2023, to revive Egyptian popular dishes, in the presence of an audience of scholars, researchers, university professors, lovers of Egyptian heritage, and those interested in it.

The closing activities of the second season of the “Egyptian Drum” initiative included a group of awareness-raising and cultural seminars and workshops delivered by a group of scholars and academic professors in all specializations that serve the goals of the initiative.

للمزيد : تابعنا هنا ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر .

مصدر المعلومات والصور: youm7


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