وسائل الاعلام

العاملوان بـ “التضامن الاجتماعي” يودعون نيفين القباج “وزيرة الإنسانية”

القاهرة: رأي الأمة

تداولت وسائل الاعلام اليوم خبر بعنوان: العاملوان بـ “التضامن الاجتماعي” يودعون نيفين القباج “وزيرة الإنسانية”، وتستعرض رأي الأمة مع حضراتكم محتوي الخبر.

The employees of the Ministry of Social Solidarity bid farewell to Dr. Nevin El-Qabbaj, with thanks and gratitude for what she provided during her tenure as head of the ministry, after she thanked them and asked them to follow in the same footsteps and achieve more successes.

The workers said: We bid farewell to the Minister of Humanity with tears because we saw the meaning of humanity in her during our work with her, thanking her for what she has offered during the 11 years in which she held many positions, wishing her success.

The workers stressed that the Ministry of Solidarity needed a great effort, but before the effort, it needs a heart that can accommodate all these pains, a heart that forgets its own needs and identifies with the needs of the people… a heart that distributes love and compassion before aid… The Ministry of Solidarity needs male and female ministers with high levels of humanity, and Dr. Nevin El-Qabbaj is one of those who bring reassurance to your heart and make you feel that you are sitting with your family and that your problem, no matter what it is, is solved. She dealt with the responsibility of a mother, sister and daughter, so she succeeded in gaining the love of the people and succeeded in her mission and reaped thanks and love. She is one of the fortunate ministers that came in an era that values ​​women’s efforts, raises their status and increases their empowerment. She received all the support from President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in a ministerial era that represents a breathing lung for many Egyptians. The minister succeeded in many files by virtue of experience and by virtue of humanity, and because we are a people who have remote sensors that know from the look of the face what is in the hearts, she knew and was certain that “El-Qabbaj” A minister with the rank of a human being, whose intuition and feelings were true with every dealing and overcoming of crises. The minister, who progressed through the stages of education as a student, researcher, and specialist in social formations, issues, childhood, and motherhood, has a vision and a comprehensive strategic plan for social protection, combining the two good things: “science and humanity.”

It is worth noting that Al-Qabbaj supervised the “Takaful and Karama” program, which began in 2015, and has contributed to improving the conditions of the poor, the elderly, and Takaful families, providing them and their children with a decent life, in addition to the Social Security Law and the Law for the Disabled and the Elderly, to ensure a safe life for them.

Al Bawaba News publishes the most important things that Nevin Al-Qabbaj did:

* Providing cash support to a total of 5.2 million poor families, including approximately 22 million individuals, including 4.7 million families funded by the state budget at a total cost of 41 billion pounds, in addition to 500 thousand families funded by the National Alliance for Civil and Development Work organizations.

• Increasing the number of beneficiaries of cash support programmes from 1.79 million families in the fiscal year 2014-2015 to 5.2 million families in the fiscal year 2023-2024, an increase of 200%.

* Increasing the budget for these programs from 3.4 billion Egyptian pounds in the fiscal year 2014-2015 to 41 billion Egyptian pounds in the fiscal year 2023-2024, an increase of 1100%.

* Providing cash and in-kind assistance to a total of 7.4 billion beneficiaries at a total cost of EGP 94 billion, in coordination between Social Solidarity, Nasser Social Bank, and civil society organizations.

* Supporting 750,000 female breadwinners, including widows, divorcees, and abandoned women, at a value of 7 billion Egyptian pounds annually.

* 5 million students who are unable to pay were exempted from tuition fees, whether from the “Takaful” program or the “Equal Educational Opportunities” program, at a total cost of 882 million Egyptian pounds.

* Supporting struggling hospitals, health clinics, and community clinics with a total of one billion Egyptian pounds, in line with the principles of equal health opportunities for the underprivileged.

• 25,000 housing units were equipped and furnished for the benefit of residents transferred from non-slum and unsafe areas to developed areas, at a total cost of 810 million Egyptian pounds.

* 187 thousand families benefited from social, health and economic services in the first phase of the “Decent Life” program.

Economic empowerment of informal workers

* 1.3 million families benefited from the economic empowerment projects of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, with a revolving capital of about 5 billion pounds, and an interest rate ranging from 5% to 14%, with women representing more than 70% of them.

* Supporting craftsmen, productive families, Egyptian industrialists, and delivery workers with funding of up to 800 million pounds, and vocational and technical training for approximately 20,000 male and female workers.

* Supporting fishing tools for a total of 42,000 small fishermen, both male and female, at a cost of 110 million pounds, and disbursing compensation to a total of 4,000 fishermen for periods of fishing suspension, at a total of 50 million pounds.

Insurance and pensions

* Raising the minimum insurance wage from 400 pounds in 2014 to 2,000 pounds in 2024, and raising the maximum insurance wage from 1,590 pounds to 12,600 pounds for the same period.

* Increasing the value of pensions disbursed annually from 86.5 billion pounds in 2014 to 340 billion pounds in 2023. The number of pensioners and beneficiaries has also been increased from 8.7 million to 11.5 million beneficiaries for the same period.

* The annual increase rate in pensions amounted to 10% in 2014 to 15% in 2024, and the cost of increasing annual pensions amounted to 8 billion pounds to 74 billion pounds for the same period.

Compensation for those affected by crises and disasters

* Providing cash, food and medical support to families affected during the Corona (Covid-19) pandemic, reaching about 20 million individuals, at a value of 5.5 billion Egyptian pounds, funded by the Ministry of Solidarity and civil society organizations.

* Supporting and assisting 240 thousand families affected by individual and general crises and disasters with a value of one billion pounds, noting that the state has raised the value of compensation for victims of general disasters and martyrs of terrorist operations from 10 thousand Egyptian pounds to 100-200 thousand pounds.

* The international relief budget to support 14 Arab and African countries affected by natural and humanitarian crises and disasters amounted to 650 million pounds.

* The total number of trucks crossing the Gaza Strip after the attack on it reached 21 thousand trucks with a total weight of 312 tons, and the value of the support of the Egyptian Red Crescent and partner associations amounted to approximately 3 billion pounds.

Population Control Project “2 is Enough”

* Implementing 9.5 million family awareness visits and 4,500 awareness seminars to contribute to family planning efforts in partnership with 112 associations since the start of the “2 is Enough” project.

* 620,000 women visited 2Kafi clinics for reproductive health services, and 75% used free family planning methods in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Population.

Mawadda Program

* The number of trainees on the “Mawadda” platform to prepare those about to get married exceeded 5 million and 1.2 million beneficiaries of direct training, with a participation rate of 71% males and 29% females.

* Beneficiaries of Mawaddah’s digital works: 25.3 million.

* 25 million views of the media campaign and awareness episodes on social media platforms.

* The digital consulting platform “Ask Mawaddah” was launched, and the number of platform beneficiaries reached 6,500 from all governorates.

Awareness Program for Family Awareness and Community Development

* Increase the number of female social pioneers from 2,500 to 15,000 who conduct home visits and awareness seminars with religious leaders, targeting 3 million families.

* Implementing the campaign “Marry her before 18” wastes her rights regarding the risks and harms of child marriage before the legal age of 18 years, with a total number of 30 million beneficiaries.

* Implementing a 16-day campaign against violence against women, which includes all topics related to violence against women and children and forms of domestic violence, with a total of 11 million beneficiaries.

* Implementing an awareness campaign against harmful practices (female circumcision, child marriage, violence in raising children), which benefited 876,000 beneficiaries.

* Implementing the first and second phases of the “With Awareness, Egypt Changes for the Better” campaign in 9 governorates, with a total of 250,000 services, which reached 35,000 beneficiaries, including family planning services, health care for children, services for people with disabilities, and direct awareness.

* Conducting 3 million home visits to raise awareness of citizenship rights and the right to vote through 15,000 female pioneers.

The first thousand days of a child’s life program

* Raising awareness among pregnant women and mothers with children under two years of age about methods of caring for their children and caring for the mother, with a total of 650 thousand families annually, and financing 70 thousand of them at a cost of 110 million pounds.

Early Childhood Development and Positive Parenting

* Building and developing 1,200 early childhood nurseries and 43 family and child centers, with 4,100 nursery classes, bringing the total number of nurseries to 27,000, benefiting approximately one million children under the age of 4 years.

* Issuing quality standards for nurseries, a new approach to raising the personalities of children under the age of 4, and facilitating nursery licenses in partnership with the relevant authorities.

* 10,000 early childhood workers and facilitators in early childhood nurseries were trained.

* Conducting 2 million family visits to raise awareness and train families on family upbringing through 8,000 social pioneers, and 1.4 million families benefiting from awareness seminars on “positive family upbringing methods.”

* Preparing the “Positive Parenting” strategy for discussion with the National Committee for Positive Parenting, implementing a community dialogue to discuss the strategy, and preparing 3 comprehensive guides on methods of raising people with special needs and children without family care.

Care, rehabilitation and protection of persons with disabilities

* 1.2 million people with disabilities benefit from the “Karama” cash support at a total cost of 10.2 billion pounds annually.

* 1.3 million integrated services cards for people with disabilities have been issued, and 200 cards are being reviewed and printed.

* 600,000 citizens with disabilities benefited from care, rehabilitation and prosthetic devices services in 163 institutions, 86 rehabilitation centres and physiotherapy centres at an estimated cost of 550 million pounds.

* In partnership with the Ministry of Transport and Communications, 14 railway stations and 35 metro stations were made available to facilitate the movement and transportation of people with disabilities, in accordance with the requirements of the accessibility code, with a contribution of 53 million pounds from Social Solidarity.

* Launching the “Hanouslak” campaign in partnership with the “Life Makers” Foundation and the “Egyptian Red Crescent” to facilitate the issuance of integrated services cards in 22 governorates with the participation of 6,000 volunteers.


* Providing cash support to a total of 700,000 elderly people at a total cost of 6 billion pounds annually.

* Exempting the elderly over the age of 70 from public transportation expenses, including railways and the metro, in addition to exempting those who have reached the age of 65 by 50%.

* 4,600 elderly people benefit from care services in 172 nursing homes and 191 elderly clubs.

* The first draft law on “the rights of the elderly” was issued, and a total of 5 billion pounds was allocated to the Elderly Fund.

Support for children without family care (orphans)

* Providing care services and financial and in-kind support to a total of 400,000 orphans, representing 30% of the total number of orphans in Egypt, at an annual cost of 1.7 billion pounds.

* Furnishing and delivering 800 housing units for a total of 800 sons and daughters who graduated from care institutions in 10 governorates.

* The total number of orphans sponsored in alternative families reached 20,000 compared to 8,000 children in care institutions, in line with the state’s policy towards alternative care in a family environment and reducing care institutions.

Ministry interventions to protect homeless children and adults

* Dealing with 31,500 reports and distress calls including children and adults without shelter and care institutions, and homeless people at risk or exposed to abuse or neglect.

Social Solidarity Units in Universities

* The number of social solidarity units reached 31 units within 31 universities, providing services to a total of 325 thousand students who are unable to afford them, people with disabilities, and productive students, as well as awareness and community service activities for a total of 25 thousand volunteers.

Associations and civil institutions

* Launching an integrated electronic system to officially organize civil work in 2022.

* The total proceeds of fundraising licenses issued to associations and civil society organizations amounted to 48.5 billion pounds, and the number of local and international grants amounted to 9,361 grants, totaling 31 billion pounds.

* Regularizing the status of 34,000 civil society institutions and 55 foreign organizations, and granting public benefit status to a total of 1,770 civil society associations and institutions across the country, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 149 of 2019 regulating the practice of civil work.

* The number of banned associations reached 1,082 associations, a decision was issued to dissolve a total of 667 associations, and temporary councils were appointed for 306 associations.

Nasser Social Bank

* EGP 65 billion is the value of social and investment activity loans funded by Nasser Social Bank, benefiting 2.3 million citizens.

* EGP 6.5 billion is the value of zakat and donations, distributed to 5 million families through 3,000 zakat committees and branches of Nasser Social Bank, benefiting 22 million beneficiaries.

* The total amount spent to cover the expenses of divorced women and their children amounted to 7.9 billion Egyptian pounds, with a total of 390 thousand beneficiaries, through the Family Insurance Fund under the umbrella of Nasser Social Bank.

The most important achievements of the Anti-Addiction and Drug Abuse Fund

* Increasing addiction treatment centers from 15 to 33 centers in 18 governorates, in addition to 7 community clinics in developed areas that provide counseling and referral services around the clock through the hotline 16023.

* 170 thousand visitors annually to obtain counseling and treatment services for drug abuse and addiction, and rehabilitation for integration into society.

* The rate of drug use will decrease from 10% in 2014 to 5.4% in 2023.

* Implementing awareness campaigns in 7,500 schools, 35 universities and institutes, 860 youth centers, and 17 youth camps.

* The rate of drug use among school bus drivers decreased from 12% to 0.4%.

* Launching the first professional diploma for psychological and social specialists working in the field of combating addiction and abuse, and the Fund’s centers and clinics receive 40% of the diploma’s approved hours.

* 76 million views for the Anti-Addiction Fund’s social media platform ads.

مصدر المعلومات والصور: البوابة https://www.albawabhnews.com/5030676



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