البابا تواضروس الثانى يترأس قداس العيد الـ12 لتجليسه بوادى النطرون
Today, Monday, November 18, 2024, corresponding to Hatour 9, 1741, the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated the twelfth anniversary of the installation of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II as Pope and Patriarch on the throne of Saint Mark the Apostle.
On this occasion, a ceremonial mass was held, hosted by the Church of the Transfiguration in the Logos Center in the Monastery of Saint Anba Bishoy in Wadi El-Natroun. His Holiness the Pope assumed his service, in which about a hundred bishops, bishops, representatives of the Patriarchate in Cairo and Alexandria, the director of His Holiness the Pope’s office, and his Holiness’s secretaries and assistants, including priests and monks, participated.
In the sermon of the Mass, His Holiness the Pope referred to the historical memorials that the Coptic Church celebrates today, which are the memorials of the Council of Nicaea, which was attended by 318 bishops, and rejected the Arius heresy. And also to commemorate the inauguration of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Bishop Royce in 2018.
Regarding the anniversary of His Holiness’ incarnation, he said: Today is also the 12-year anniversary of the establishment of our double to serve His Holy Church. He added: “There is no doubt that over the years, a person gains more experience, knowledge, and learning.” He continued: “It is appropriate for us on occasions like these to say: We thank you, Lord, because you have covered us, helped us, preserved us, accepted us, had pity on us, sustained us, and brought us to this hour.”
Then he discussed five thoughts that serve as governing principles for pastoral service:
1- Erasing biblical literacy is an important task, but the most important thing is working with the Holy Bible:
Pointing out the importance of the written activities that we hold in the service, including interpretation and competitions, stressing that they can erase biblical illiteracy, and despite their importance, what is most important is
How do we plant life with the Gospel in the souls of our people in all circumstances of their lives? Referring to the saying of Saint Father Bishoy Kamel, “The Lived Gospel,” meaning life by the Gospel, he called on fathers to pay attention to consolidating life by the Gospel at the level of the family, service, and priests, stressing that it is their first responsibility.
2- The service of education is important, but the service of peace is indispensable:
He noted that the title of Jesus Christ in the Bible and among us is “the good teacher,” but we also call him “the peacemaker,” and pointed out that just as we need to teach our children about service and education, we even more need to teach them how to keep peace.
The greatest service we provide is to plant peace in the souls of our people, at home, in the service, and in the church.
3- Guarding the faith and doctrine is indispensable, but it is also indispensable to instill a life of piety in souls:
Piety is the fear of God and honesty in word and deed, and the lofty belief is what produces “piety” because piety is what we will stand before God on the last day, so beware of those who turn guarding the belief into a battle and an invitation to hate others and enter into conflicts.
He added: “We must know that our church is solid and its faith is upright. It has raised many generations in this faith, and we must teach our children to believe but with piety.”
4- The use of technology is important, but the personal example and role model must be the influential element in our speech on social media:
We must choose our words and expressions in education, in service, in absence, etc., especially in the age of technology, which provides greater possibilities for education and service. Let us note that Jesus Christ did not write books, but rather presented himself as a role model and thus changed the lives of millions of people.
5- The service of each one of us in his place (the diocese or the monastery) is important, but our gathering and presence together is of special importance:
Our presence together today is rich, and it is stronger than a hundred sermons, and when people see us together (as fathers) they rejoice and feel reassured, and when we meet, dialogue, get closer, consult, and exchange experiences…etc., we increase and grow and the church grows.
His Holiness emphasized that the primary goal of establishing the Logos Center is for the fathers of the Holy Synod to have a place to stay and retreat, and to hold seminars and discussions for them, which is something that every one of us desperately needs.
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II was installed on the See of Saint Mark on Sunday, November 18, 2012, becoming the 118th Patriarch in the series of Popes of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Pope Tawadros II presides over the Mass of his Ascension Day
Part of the prayers of the Divine Mass
Pope’s sermon
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II with the bishops of the Holy Synod
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II
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